Saturday, November 22, 2008

One Tree, No decorations

After literally weeks of threatening to put the tree up, it is done. We do, however, have some self control. If you look closely, you will notice that there are no ornaments on the tree and that there are no other christmas decorations out yet. The exterior of the house isn't lit yet either. Those things wont happen until after Thanksgiving.
There is also one underfed orange kitten carefully hidden in this photo. Can you find it?

Merry Christmas everyone. Now, go get your shopping done.
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Anonymous said...

Found that SMALL kitty!!! HaHa. Glad to see your back to work.

TexasPatrick said...

whoa, dude, watch out for Ninja Cat . . . kitty blends . . . .

TexasPatrick said...

Whoa, dude: Ninja Cat . . . kitty blends in a bit too well . . .

JTM said...

he recently started the kitty version of the Zone. it's making a huge difference in every aspect of the lazy cat's lifestyle.

TexasPatrick said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!