Sunday, December 28, 2008

Raptor: genus falco


It's a good thing this guy is too small to pose a threat to our 2 or 3 backyard hobo cats. Rena caught him sitting on the back fence looking for a meal. I don't think that there are too many mice around our yard. I'm willing to bet that Willow caught and ate any she could find. It was quite a disgusting display to watch her eat. I never did see her eat a mouse, but I watched her catch and eat quite a few lizards. It was also quite primal and made me feel inadequate in a way. She would carefully stalk them and then when the time was right, *WHAM*, she would strike! Occasionally she would miss on the first pounce but she never gave up. She would quickly pounce again and come up with a lizard hanging out of her mouth. She still comes around once in a while, but I think she prefers hunting to eating the dry food we put out there.
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